Annual Report

Access, read, download and save your copy of our Presencing Institute 2023 Annual Report.
This Annual Report shows just a few of the many examples of the Presencing Institute and u-school of Transformation's work in ecosystem activation. 
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  • Double-sided, colour print on gloss paper ;
  • Onto A3-size paper, to be folded into final A4 format;
  • Stapled binding down the centerfold;
  • Edges trimmed in correspondence with the bleed marks.

PI is registered as a 501c3 non-profit organization in Massachusetts, USA and as a GmbH in Berlin, Germany. PI is managed by a small core team, and co-led by a global network of faculty, specialists and partners. Biographies for our team can be found here. Help us to continue to democratizeaccess to the tools and methods for societal transformation. 

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