Container Building



Container Building
is the process of creating a safe space for a group or a team by establishing both trust and ground rules for engagement. A container in this context is defined by the boundaries of a social field and incorporates three qualities: open mind (seeing), open heart (feeling), and open will (intention). A container sets the tone for a journey that is about to unfold by providing a safe space for risk-taking in an atmosphere that supports growth and learning.


Container Building is done at the beginning of a social process (in person or remote) and establishes foundation for a group. By creating a container, facilitators improve how participants pay attention, interact, and collaborate. Challenging situations and deep change especially require this work.


  • Be clear about roles and steps.
  • Listen with an open mind, heart, and will.
  • Suspend your voice of judgment to activate the creative power of the open mind.
  • Respect the voice and opinions of others, even if they are different from your own.
  • Pay attention to those on the margins of the social field.
  • Consider the boundaries of the container and agreements made between the people.

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Presencing Institute is the holding entity that maintains the governance, management and administration of u-school and other initiatives supporting awareness-based systems change.
Presencing Institute Inc
1770 Massachusetts Ave. #221
Cambridge, MA 02140 - USA

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We are deeply grateful to our global community for all the ways you give. Your financial contributions are vital to sustaining and expanding the Presencing Institute's mission. With your support, we can continue to provide free resources and develop new initiatives.


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