Dialogues on Transforming Society & Self (DoTS) - Episode 5

Sep 25, 2019

Chad Frischmann is our special guest speaker in the next interactive online dialogue with Otto Scharmer, on the topic of Global Warming.

We are thrilled to announce that Chad Frischmann, VP and Research Director at Project Drawdown will be our next guest speaker for the October episode of our interactive online Dialogue series, hosted by Otto Scharmer.

Episode #5 of DoTS (Dialogues on Transforming Society & Self), “Drawdown - How to Reverse Global Warming” is taking place on:


Thu 10 Oct 2019 - 1:00-2:15pm EDT
book your seat here

Please note that we are fully booked as of 3rd Oct, but we do encourage you to sign up for the waiting list as some participants may cancel their attendance.



Chad Frischmann is a co-author and the lead researcher of the New York Times best-seller Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (Penguin, 2017). Drawdown was the #1 best-selling environmental book of 2017. 

In collaboration with a global team of researchers, Chad designed integrated global models to assess the world’s most effective climate solutions and determine if, when, and how the world can reach “drawdown,” the point in time when the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases begins to decline on a year-to-year basis.

With an interdisciplinary background in public policy, human rights, sustainable development, and environmental conservation, Chad works as a systems strategist to build a new, regenerative future with cascading benefits to the environment and to human well-being. As head of research and technology since Project Drawdown’s inception, Chad is a key spokesperson and coalition-builder dedicated to sharing the message and model of Drawdown with the world.

Chad’s talks have been featured at the University of Oxford, Harvard, the COP23 in Bonn, the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the University of California at Berkeley, the Carbon Leadership Forum, the University of Washington, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Dutch Sustainability Congress, the MAD Symposium, the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Conference, the International Conference on Sustainable Development, and TED Global’s “We the Future’, among others.

Chad holds a master's degree in Public Policy from the University of California at Berkeley, a master's degree in Art History from the University of Oxford, and a bachelor’s degree in International Affairs from George Washington University. Read more about Chad here.



 You can find more information on previous episodes of the Dialogues on Transforming Society & Self on this page.

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