Report on the Launch of the Ubuntu.Lab Journey

Oct 3, 2018

September, 2018


Ubuntu.Lab, an applied online-offline learning program for change-makers, emerging and established leaders and innovators across Africa, was launched through two sessions held on 25thand 26thSeptember 2018. Over two hundred learners from 13 countries participated in the live online sessions and the face-to-face that followed in the local hubs. This cohort of Ubuntu.Lab will be on an eight-month learning journey. At the end of this journey, participants are going to share the prototypes they will have developed along the way for bringing about the change they would like to see in society.

For many learners, this was the first time they were experiencing engaging in learning through a process that cuts across national borders and with diverse participants from all the key main sectors of business, government and civil society.

The objectives of the two launch sessions were:

  • Enable participants connect with one another beyond national borders.
  • Learn to agree not on the answer, but the common questions that trouble them and for which they are seeking answers.
  • Begin to appreciate the framework that will be use to facilitate learning how innovation and system change can be facilitated.


Countries with registered hub


Live session online


Nairobi, Kenya                                                                                              


University of Ghana, Accra


Lusaka Hub, Zambia


Cape-Town Hub, South Africa


Early sentiments from Ubuntu.Lab participants

The following are some of the feelings and perspectives the participants of Ubuntu.Lab are sharing on the 360 Learning (online learning platform):

“I joined Ubuntu.Lab with the intention of co-creating Africa into a better place.As I saw the phrase ‘co- creating Africa's future’ I instantly new that this was and is the right platform for me where i will find like minded people with only if not similar but one intension which is the positively impact our communities, and nations in Africa.This was a platform i also saw as a space were i will learn a lot and amazingly grow into a a great change agent for my continent.”
Watson Chiwambo

“It was a great 2 days. I had goose-bumps seeing countries far and wide responding to the call. I am lost for words at how the participants opened up. Today as I asked the question to the participants of “how they are leaving the session?” I thought through what my own response would be. The only word that came out was Alive! I feel alive! I feel I am realizing my potential.Today I saw people in tears, other were hugging each other during the listening exercise. I have a new definition for Ubuntu. It is finding healing, carrying  each other’s burdens and holding each other when the going gets tough... Ubuntu is intentionally listening to others and through dialogue finding solutions with them.”
Jessica Chisompola, Lusaka, Zambia

“I am passionate about making a difference and inspiring people to also make a difference in their unique way. I believe Ubuntu.Lab 2018 will help me to think about how I can help bring about change with others. I am also doing Ubuntu.Lab 2018 because I want to grow and learn from others. "I am because we are" so how can I not take part in this wonderful process with my fellow African brothers and sisters. I am looking forward to the connections and community that will come of this process.” 
Robert-John De Kock, Cape Town, South Africa


Next Steps

For the next eight months the participants will undergo a learn process that will allow to deeply appreciate the challenges that weigh Africa down and come up with potential solutions that they are going to prototype. Promising prototypes will be supported so that can reach the stage for scaling-up in order to generate wider impact.

“I left the session feeling inspired! I felt the warmth and possibility of creating a huge community filled with positivity. We can achieve so much through Ubuntu.Lab. Theory-U is such an awesome methodology which we could use to influence our communities without direct power or authority. I look forward to connect further.”
Jansie Rautenbach