

This program will cover the 4 Levels of Scribing, as outlined by Kelvy Bird in the book Generative Scribing, and based on Otto Scharmer's 4 Levels of Listening. Through videos and other materials, participants will:

  • Access thinking on key frameworks and methods, including: 4 Levels of Listening, 4 Fields of Conversation, container conditions, and facilitative moves;
  • Learn the Levels of Scribing, with then detailed information on each one: 1. Mirror, 2. Differentiate, 3. Connect, and 4. Surface;
  • Practice and engage in other exercises along the way to embody the materials;
  • Journal to a set of guided prompts that encourage learning.

The primary mediums for this exploration will be drawing and some collage. The program will be largely self-paced, in a robust online community setting, and culminate on October 11 with a 2-hour live session for integrated practice, reflection, and conversation within the entire cohort.


This journey takes place over 2 weeks, paced between offline/individual and online/group work:

  • September 27-October 11: Self-paced learning with pre-recorded videos, reading materials, practices, and journaling.
  • October 11: Live session. A 2-hour zoom call with guided, hands-on drawing practice, peer-to-peer conversation, and large group resonance. (Recording of the live session will be available for those who cannot attend.) This will be followed by sharing of images in the community platform, with real-time feedback from faculty and peers for one week following the live session.

The live session will take place from 8:00-10:00am EDT (check your time here).

Technical Requirements: To participate in the live session, you will need to have video or audio access to Zoom. You will also receive an invitation to an online community platform called Mighty Networks where you can complete the self-directed learning.

Meet the team

Kelvy Bird and Marie-Pacale Gafinen, with program hosting by Emma Dulski




Please choose a rate in accordance with your country and the strength of its economy, and based on your overall financial situation. Should either of the below rates not be feasible, please reach out to the team.

  • Standard Rate $300 | For people in countries with strong economies/currencies, who experience a steady personal or professional financial situation. Your registration will help support others to participate.
  • Reduced Rate $200 | For people in countries with moderate economies/currencies, who experience an uncertain personal or professional financial situation.
  • Scholarship on Request Email emma@kelvybird.com
  • Alumni 10% discount Email emma@kelvybird.com
Click "Register on Eventbrite" above to purchase the tickets.


Cancellation Policy

Fees will be refunded for all cancellations received in writing before September 8, 2023. No refunds will be granted after that date.


This program is part of the Presencing Institute's "u-school for Transformation" and will count towards certification in the Generative Scribing Pathway. Other required programs include: Scribing Essentials, Visual Practice for Theory U, to be followed by a portfolio review. There is no previous substitute for this program in the certification pathway, as it is entirely new!



Can I participate if I have no drawing skills? 

Absolutely! We will work with pens and crayons in the session but we'll start at a very basic level so if you're able to draw a circle and a rectangle that will be sufficient.

Is this a basic course on learning how to scribe? 

This complements others programs that have specific instruction on things like lettering, layout, and icons. This program, though, is more about how to apply existing basic skills in practice.

Which materials do I need? 

We'll send you detailed information about the material needed once you're signed up. You don't need fancy art supplies.

Is this a course about Generative Scribing? 

Yes! Finally. In part...